Jun 6Liked by SheThinksLiberty

No frickin' crap! Well said and an astute observation about something so common sense. Seriously. Your mama was right and I love that you shared that little mustard seed with us. Leave me alone. Period. More fakes than reals out there at this point. Insincerity disguised as caring. Nosy, shallow self-righteous tattle tells pretending to care about everyone and everything. How can you not see the log in your own eye while pointing out the sliver in your neighbors eye? Somebody famous said that and it is The Truth.

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That quote is outta da Bible, but I donut rememble WHO said it.... prolly her ^ mom. ;)

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Jun 6Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Yes. A new anthem. Perfect. Thanks SheThinksLiberty. Peace.

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Jun 7Liked by SheThinksLiberty

So, a neighbor of mine confronted me in Walmart back when everyone but me were wearing masks. She yelled at me from the adjacent check out line, "Jim, why don't you have a mask on!?" I yelled back, "Cuz I'm Special, I don't wear one!" My response was doubly unnerving to her because she was, now retired, our county's Tax Assessor for many years and she's not used to being stood up to. She still speaks to me occasionally oddly enough.

Although this song isn't quite analogous to the good one you shared I like it because of the bravado expressed in the lyrics, "Who's Zoomin' Who !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYmmFf6M40Y

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Good for you! Yes, we (hubs and I) never EVER wore a snot pouch.

One of the "good" folks in the state formerly known as "Live Free or Die," (New Hampshire) did deny me service for being bare-faced. Also, in Mar 2021 in Florida (Yes, Florida.), a young snot pouch wearing Sephora clerk denied me service -- twice. Once in the store because I was bare-faced. I then asked if she could get me what I came for and give it to me outside the store (in the Cordova Mall), she said yes. When I attempted to pay her with cash? Yeah, no cash. Had to use the app or some such horse crap.

Last time I ever went anywhere near Sephora...in person or online.

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Jun 9Liked by SheThinksLiberty

I was in the grocery store back a few, too... I was walking down the aisle behind the kind young man helping me find an item, and I hear a voice behind me, "WHERE'S YOUR MASK?" and without turning around or skipping a beat, I threw back "WHERE'S YOUR BADGE?"

Utter silence, but the maskless young man giggled. ;)

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Love this. And the song... perfection. Thank you!

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Thank you, Mary! So glad you enjoyed.

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"I envisioned our actual backyard." Made me laugh out loud. This is so true and I have to say that I'm pretty proud of myself for (the most part) minding my own biz during the C years, and even more so now. If someone asks me, I'll give them my honest Sagittarius opinion. Kudos to your dear mom for the lesson and to you, Kathleen, for learning it!

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Thank you, Barbara. ❤️

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Jun 9Liked by SheThinksLiberty


Sooooo right on. And I love the song, the dancers, the voice, all dat.

Fangks!! ^_^

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Funny enough just listened to this on the last Brokenwood series I watched. Loved it.

And you're syncing with me as I've got a draft in my substack (still working on it) about citizens writing their own SOTU addresses. Like minds... Thanks. Dead-on.

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That is funny! Yes, hubs and I love Brokenwood. The characters are so quirky and funny. We watched the last episode released this week. There she was -- Tami Neilson. I stopped the credits to get her name and immediately did a search for her and found a PooTube version of this song. Just love it!

Will look forward to your next post on this, Kathleen. - Kathleen, a.k.a. SheThinksLiberty

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Jun 9Liked by SheThinksLiberty


Sounds like just the place for me!!!!! LOLOLOLOL Pootube. ^_^

See, I donut "get around." I listen to songs and play that fucking addictive Jewel 2 until my eyeballs fall out...

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Indeed. Privacy is a fundamental cornerstone of a free society.

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Daddy, what does "Privacy" mean???


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Jun 9Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Keeping the government to the hell out of our affairs, For starters!

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Jun 9Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Right on!! I’m for shutting down central govt. altogether!

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In college, I had a friend, and one day we were at the Chattahoochee river in Georgia on a spring day and somehow in the course of our time, a bug or something flew into his eye. And he could not remove it. He insisted that I have a go at it. And I thought to myself that this would be far from a good idea. He knew his eye far better than I did and surely if I examined him, I would end up poking him in the eye. In addition, I had the perfect out biblically. I stated "I cannot hope to remove the speck from another's eye, until I remove the plank from my own."

He was a little annoyed at my response, but eventually solved the speck problem himself. IF I had intervened it could have ended with a trip to the emergency room.

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