Sep 7, 2022Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Most people still have not connected the dots. That is, 1) 4th Quarter financial melt down (Repo failure slash liquidity collapse crisis), 2) appearance of 'covid' as a very, very convenient cover for the world financial collapse still in progress, 3) in turn occasioning an excuse for trillions in fiat funding mechanism for the odious Great Reset, and 4) initiating the final phase of the planetary techno-tyranny agenda, including a world-wide genocide/population reduction scheme. And by the way, this is not just the biggest Crime of the Century. It is the Biggest Confluence of the Biggest Crimes in all human history. No criminal activity was ever so pervasive, so all-encompassing as this which has been perpetrated in our time on a planetary scale. Words seem unable to capture the enormity, the Biblical proportions of the events of 2020 - 2022 ongoing. It all simply takes the breath away! Both figuratively and literally.

Fortunately, the Dear Leader Geniuses appear to have massively miscalculated with the Criminal Ukrainian Caper. And we are now seeing the consequences of the failed attempt to achieve 'regime change' in Moscow. That is, sanctioning and weaponizing SWIFT has triggered a World-wide Country Walk-Away Movement, also on scale never before witnessed. The only questions which remain with regard to Woke Globalism and the US/EU/NATO complex are: 1) will it all end with the bang or a whimper, and 2) will the perps, both visible and unseens, ever face the wrath of the civil sword?

Thanks you very much for your account! We all are apart of historical process and our stories need to be heard. And may there be God's Light upon the world.

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Aug 31, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Charlie Paaaah-kah. You’re in good company with the use of the moniker, and in better company now in FL. (Say hi to Howie if you see him). Thanks for sharing your story. All the best.

The utter replacement of rationale perspective and respect for liberties with utter fear and desperate rule-making (and slavish following) has been an astonishing feature of the last couple of years.

Many companies drank deeply from the narrative kool-aid.

Some of us are still stuck in the Boston/ metro-west area for a variety of reasons. And some of us have even been RIF’d - for “economic reasons” - not a few months after being forced to disclose medical intervention status and despite getting a religious exemption.

I feel fortunate that I didn’t cave to the injection of an experimental biologic and still have my health - especially compared to some who felt so-compelled in order to keep their job and subsequently became a VAERS statistic.

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You're welcome -- and thank you for reading and commenting.

The conduct of people, as you point out, has been astonishing. I'm sorry for what happened to you, but deeply respect your stand, especially in MA. We have friends there and family and friends in NH whom we miss very much, but we doubt we'll ever return.

This is the greatest crime against humanity in history, and so many helped carry it out against themselves.

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I see I didn’t say it, but I’m also sorry for the effects it has had on you and your circle of friendships. It’s helpful to know there are others out there.

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❤️ 😊 Yes, we have company. Always remember that.

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Just read about you and good to know someone within the Establishment had the courage to challenge it and then exit with integrity. Thank you for being responsible for your freedom. Stay safe and free.

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What a lovely comment. Thank you!

It was the only path, the only way...Simple. Maybe not easy, but very simple.

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“We are free to the degree we take the responsibility to be; which depends on the degree we allow others to be free; which is founded on the degree we trust ourselves to be free.”

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by SheThinksLiberty

What an excellent and in depth story. It illustrated a journey that I know a great many of us went through. Yours though was more international. This disease of the mind of non-thinking is pervasive yet not widespread as we are led to think. Keep writing these exposes. Cheers!

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Thank you! I'm glad you "enjoyed" the piece.

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You and your husband are true patriots.

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Thank you, George. ❤️

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Great story! It's about time I read it!! Thanks for the great posts and for your immovable stance on all the bullshit items - masks, social distancing, elevator protocol (What?) - we left Hawaii for the same reasons. I love the fact that John Bowdoin has sued the "governor" of my home state of Massachusetts. The Northeast is so horribly corrupt! I attended the MIT in the 1980's; we lived on the 22nd floor of a building named Eastgate - right across the Charles from the Hatch Shell. Thanks to marxist idiots, both the institution and the culture there are not the same. Thanks for all the great posts. Keep the faith. Peace. :-)

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❤️❤️❤️ Thank you, Steve.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Awesome story!!! I’m impressed by your willingness to stand by your principles.

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Thank you, sir. :)

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Thank you! How eye opening. There are truly smart people on C&C and I am thankful it led me to you. You are a gem. Standing up for moral principals. Imagine. If everyone would have done this at the beginning of this mess it would be a different world. In March of 2020 I knew...I just knew. Deep in my heart. Bought a home in Florida in November of 2020 before everyone knew it was so cool. Now, with all the attention, I don't know what is awaiting us when we get back there in October. We already had family there part time, so it is good to be there to reconnect with Michigan. We drove there from Idaho in Trump's America of Nov 2020. We must have seen over 1000 Trump flags and signs and bumper stickers along the way. We also only saw TWO Biden signs in 2,844 miles it took to get where we were going. We are driving back there again in Biden's America 2022. Bah.

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Thank you. You're very kind. 😊

We drove, too, refusing to fly as long as the airlines behaved so egregiously following unlawful orders to "mask up". We saw the same thing on our drive from the northeast. Good for you for buying in FL back in 2020. Very smart...

We chose "L.A.", a.k.a., Lower Alabama, a.k.a. the Panhandle. Suits us just fine. :)

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You have been and still are one of my most dear guides in getting through this nightmare. I am so grateful I got to know the REAL you, not just the “University Acceptable” persona we had to pretend to be in the physical and virtual walls of our office. You are one of a kind. Much love my friend.

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Aug 31, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022Author

Thank you so much for your kind words, my friend! I'm grateful for you, too! ❤️❤️❤️

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Apr 28Liked by SheThinksLiberty

working in education for many years I was lucky and able to maintain my dignity and sanity during C19, assisting pre-teens in feeling proud of their capabilities, particularly their ability for independent thinking and being curious. yet last year I quit, after one too many belittling directives from a power-hungry new director (plus an imminent hip-replacement surgery due this year) and now there's little money, but ample time to pursue other valuable things in life. glad to have found your substack (subbed).

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Wow, you got through the C-19 crime working in education?? Impressive.

Good luck with your hip surgery, and my deep appreciation for your subscription. ❤️

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thank you. the past few years have shown me that humans are creative and resilient, with flexibility and an ability to smile at one's adversary mixed in. very tiring, but satisfying at the same time.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Great story. Glad you shared it. :-)

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Thank you, Metta. 😊 You're welcome!

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty


I saw a question you posted to someone on Celia Farber's about why they were kicked out of so many countries, and just wanted to pass this along to you:

Complete List of the 1030 Jewish Expulsions


Also, if you want to know how the Balfour Declaration came about, I highly recommend listening to Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard hotel on bitchute

Here's a summary:

Benjamin Freedman was an insider, assistant to Bernard Baruch (yesterday's Soros/Rothschild front man) and witnessed the behind-the-scenes intrigues that got America into WW1. Germany was winning the war, so the Zionists went to England and said you can still win this war if America comes in on your side. We can get America into the war if you give us Palestine. So, they got the Balfour Declaration and then went to work on Wilson. 160,000 American men died so the Zionists could get a piece of real estate. Also, Benjamin Freedman also said that the Zionists rule over America like absolute monarchs (I think he was referring to the central banking cabal). He also talks about the lead up to WW2 and gives context, and info on the jewish boycott of Germany. He subsequently broke with these people, married a Catholic woman, and spent the rest of his life and personal fortune trying to warn the American people about them.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Author

Hello, Sandra. I love this -- thank you!

I asked that question for the POV of the person to whom I posed it -- a modern Jewish woman. What has she been taught, what does she believe? I honestly am ignorant of the particulars around 100+ countries expelling its Jewish population, so maybe she can tell me something I don't know. She didn't, but that's OK. It's Christians' fault. Because Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah. How many Christians know that a fair number of Jews blame them for the Jews' misery?

I do know of Balfour and his Declaration, as well as Benjamin Freedman. How many modern Jews know of either? As for the "Promised Land," the Israelites had to overrun and murder the Canaanites to take possession of what "God" promised them. Fast forward, there's Herzl: https://jewishunpacked.com/herzl-and-the-non-promised-land/

Lastly, I confess that I have reached the point that I disbelieve most everything at this point. After seeing the vast willingness to outright lie or participate in delusion that we've seen across the globe during the last three years and counting, I have only the tiniest sliver of faith in anything historical, especially the history that "everybody knows." Including the Jews.

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Jan 13Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Hello, I just happened to find a book that might explain the expulsion issue we chatted about. It's written by an Israeli professor of Jewish and Medieval History (Jewish and son of the Chief Rabbi in Rome), and he basically says that back in those days, Jews preyed upon non-Jews. I think these are the crimes that today's Jews call "blood libel," but this Israeli professor says the accusations were true. See bottom of page 5 for quick summary:


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Thank you for this, Sandra! I will take a look. So much hidden from us and/or distorted from all reality -- and so much of this then becomes "official history" that for some reason lies beyond the bounds of questioning???

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Jan 13Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Yes, they lie to us about our present and our past. I truly believe if we knew true history (from all sides) we would not be in the mess we are in today (on the brink of destruction/digital enslavement).

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Yes, and if the majority pursued truth -- wherever it led regardless of feelings -- that would go a long way toward avoiding the mess we're in today. Along with self-mastery, courage, commitment to freedom -- our own and others, Etc., etc. :)

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May 13Liked by SheThinksLiberty


Since you seem to be one of the few who is interested in historical truth, I just wanted to drop off a couple of links to twitter w/shocking info. I hope you can read these (not sure if you need an account)


Screen shot of letter from Rabbis to Jews in 1937, calling on them to support the war, telling them not to worry about serving b/c they will get religious and/or medical exemptions, saying we will stay home and profit, and referring to the "dumb goyim"


screen shot Allied Military Police HQ saying no poison gas was used at the camps.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Oh, so glad you appreciated the info. I saw your comment to her and definitely didn't want to jump in (thought that would be rude, plus I no longer comment at Celia's because I was once held up as an example of "wrong think" for questioning RFK Jr's stance on the pandemic). But I saw her response and was totally shocked by it!! And I think she said somewhere else the Christians want to kill jews (!?!?!). I've just come to the conclusion that many Jews/Zionists are completely brainwashed and given a false history that makes them paranoid. Max Igan always recommends a documentary called "Defamation" where you see the programming Israelis get early on (basically, telling them as children that people want to kill them). And it doesn't help that Israel/Mossad has been staging false flags for decades in order to demonize Palestinians and block the peace process--such attacks also lead the Jews/Israelis to feel they are always under attack (they are, but from their own intelligence agencies staging these things).

Good to know you also know about Benjamin Freedman--when I listened to his speech years ago, I was blown away. When you hear the hidden history, everything starts to make sense! And I don't think most Jews/Zionists even know about Benjamin Freedman and I'm not sure they would care. I've been posting info all over substack (Ben Freedman, Israeli/Mossad history of false flags, etc) and I know that Jewish people have definitely been on those substacks, but they never comment. I was hoping one would say, OMG, I never knew that the Mossad was behind all of those horrible events. But that hasn't happened. I'm not sure what to make of it, but it leaves me to believe they don't really care about the crimes committed by their own group, just as long as they get that land.

Yes, once I woke up to 9/11, I started questioning everything and have come to the conclusion that most of what we have been taught as history is just agreed upon lies and propaganda. Our world is in such a mess right now and most Americans are so brainwashed they don't have any understanding of what is really going on--they just believe whatever the TV tells them.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Author

Another point in my posting the question was so that others might see it and maybe ask themselves the same question?

For context here, I grew up without a shred of animosity toward Jewish people. One of my mothers' best friends was Jewish among a bunch of Irish Catholics that had moved into this housing development in upstate New York. This woman was funny and wonderful and a good neighbor. I became best friends in my first year of community college with a beautiful -- inside and out -- Jewish girl. When she was getting married, she wanted me for her maid of honor. She had trouble finding a rabbi who would marry her with a "shiksa" as the maid of honor. I told her that I understood, that it was OK...Nope. My friend "shopped" rabbis (😂😂😂) until she found one who would do the deed, as it were. (She has since passed away under very tragic circumstances.)

When I started working in NYC, I became friends with an older guy on the team -- a Jewish guy -- who was the most wonderful friend and mentor to me in that wacky world of NYC. He and I are friends to this day -- and he's turning 80 (!) next year. Wonderful, generous, protective (Lord, was I naive!) and funny. We catch up every now and then by phone and we spend half the time laughing...(BTW, he was married to an Italian Catholic girl, they're still married. They had a daughter, raised Catholic, and she ended up marrying a Jewish guy with the same first name as her father!!! 😂😂😂)

Yeah, so I just don't get this utter madness, this murder, suffering. I can't take the finger pointing, the blaming. I've paid very little attention to this latest horror show. My heart and mind just can't take it.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty

"Another point in my posting the question was so that others might see it and maybe ask themselves the same question?"

Yes, I thought it was great that you asked the question and hope that it made others curious. And I thought you did it in a very tactful manner.

Thanks for sharing those personal stories. Good for your friend doing some rabbi shopping so you could be her maid of honor! And your 80 y.o friend sounds like a wonderful man--probably the fact that he married a Catholic woman shows that he's not that rigid about his religion/ethnicity. That's actually the same for my parents' good friends. My father's best friend growing up was Jewish and he married a Catholic woman. And one of my mother's best friends from college (Christian) married a Jewish guy.

Same here on growing up without any animosity toward Jewish people. My profession is very Jewish, so I've had lots of Jewish friends over the years. Now, I have to admit that during grad school, the Jewish women were very cliquish, and I was not always included and made to feel like an outsider. But when I was working, it didn't really feel like that. Many of my Jewish friends had NO interest in Israel and actually couldn't stand it (hated other Jews trying to get them interested). But the few Jewish friends I had who were Zionists and were very into the whole Israel thing, while being good friends, on that particular issue, they were like different people. I actually woke up back in 2006 when Israel was bombing the hell out of Lebanon, and I was shocked by the attitude of two of the Jewish women I worked with. They truly were heartless and only cared about the Israelis and didn't care at all about the destruction of Lebanon or the slaughter of the Lebanese people.

Yes, I hear you on the latest horror show--it's really too much. I'm absolutely sickened by all of it, and I'm truly terrified they are going to genocide all 2.3 million of those Palestinians. I really appreciated Celia's stance on what has been going on and her willingness to look at the hidden history. Unfortunately, most Americans are completely brainwashed by the media--they believe all of the propaganda and are cheering on the slaughter. Truly sickening.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Thank you for standing for freedom. It really gives me a lot of heart to read your story. Our country is not lost.

PS The heck with LinkedIn and the like.

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Thank you, Transcriber B! ❤️

BTW, "LumpedIn" allowed me back on their platform! After a year and a half ban. 😂

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by SheThinksLiberty

What an excellent and in depth story. It illustrated a journey that I know a great many of us went through. Yours though was more international. This disease of the mind of non-thinking is pervasive yet not widespread as we are led to think. Keep writing these exposes. Cheers!

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Thank you...😊

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deletedNov 15, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty
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Ohhhh...thank you, J.R.! For taking the time to read it and for letting me know. ❤️

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deletedJan 6, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty
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Thank you. The exception that proves the rule..? :)

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deletedJan 6, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty
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Based on your comment about MBAs and the HR profession, I was just using that expression to suggest -- based on what I thought you meant 😊 -- that I acted in a way contrary to the rule about how mobs behave. That there's always at least one person who stands outside of it...

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deletedJan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty
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Thanks again, Reggie. Yes, we have found peace in FL and the light is amazing. :)

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