"Decades ago my mother warned about those who make things “complicated” or suggest that some things are just so mysterious that only our “betters” are suited for understanding them."


And now you know why they insist on making our elections super complicated.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Absolutely WONDERFUL read here! Thanks for these great analogies! You have a gift! Love the pic & your story about weight training. Not often do I save things to read twice but this is getting archived!

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What an enjoyable read. I wanted to see how you connected the myth to your body building, and so you did. Damn, woman! What a pic.

Good insights and lessons. So agree. Also explains why the less 'educated' among us (less propagandized) were more likely to say no.

Thank you, well done.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Excellent write. Thank you!

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Hello from the UK. Excellent stuff thank you.

As regards the word 'complicated', I say life is complex but people make it complicated, tying everything up in knots.

But in reality life is ultimately simple as life boils down to love, and loving one's neighbour as oneself.

And loving God because God is love.

As regards Covid 19 and the 'flu I compared early on and said to myself in essence:

If it talks like the 'flu, walks like the 'flu then it is the 'flu!

As to what the 'flu is I then eventually wrote this. No one had ever explained it before to me(not in mainstream medics interest to do so of course). I had to work it out myself.


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Mar 27, 2023Liked by SheThinksLiberty


Love it SheThinksLiberty! Great post. I'm very sorry about your loss of your Mom.

I agree with the simplicity premise. Looking back at all the mathematics and science courses I took at the MIT in the 1980's, the fundamentals were/are very straightforward and simple. I took a Signals & Systems course with a professor that wrote the text book, William M. Siebert. The opening pages of the text had a few quotes:

"We must be grateful to God that He created the world in such a way that everything simple is true and everything complicated is untrue." Gregory Skovoroda (18th-century philosopher )

"One of the principal objects of theoretical research in any department of knowledge ifs to find the point of view from which the subject appears in its greatest simplicity" Josiah Willard Gibbs

"Seek simplicity and distrust it." Alfred North Whitehead.

There are fundamental concepts that connect a lot of science and mathematics.

I consider modern "medicine" to be next to worthless today. There are very few doctors that I would actually go to see. The so-called doctors are indoctrinated, not educated - they definitely lack critical-thinking skills. They are not able to connect the dots across disciplines and synthesize new ideas.

I recall reading about the Stanford entering class for the Fall 2023. The admissions board was proud to announce a very low percentage of Caucasians were accepted; and that no students who scored a perfect score on the SAT were accepted. As a comparison, there were a lot of students at the MIT in the 1980's who scored a perfect score on the SAT; it was very common to see students ace the tests and the achievement exams. A friend of mine from Taiwan, June, took every final exam for the first-year courses for his major, Electrical Engineering - and completely skipped ALL the freshman year courses. He was amazing and very humble. I'll take a kid who aces the SAT any day - that's the kid I want designing bridges, etc., not some hack who has been dumbed-down via marxist idiocy. I'll take meritocracy every time.

It's awesome that you were a natural bodybuilder. My guy at Egoscue West Palm Beach, Nathan Burke, is a natural bodybuilder - he's winding down now but he is quite a story; I looked him up online and he was shredded and had awesome symmetry. Another very humble guy.

I agree with your basic moves premise. Looking at the photo, is obviously worked for you. I learned a lot about training from Pavel Tsatouline of Strong First. He started out with a very simple program of deadlifts and a side press. He wrote a great reference book, "Beyond Bodybuilding", which gave tips for all body parts. Legs? Squats!! Lats? Pullups!!

Maintaining muscle mass and strength is priority number one as we age. Dr. Mercola just did a great post about KAATSU blood restriction training and the metabolic benefits. The guy is 70+ and he trap-bar deadlifted 400 pounds for 4 reps.

I just started hitting my pull-up bar again. It's my favorite exercise.

Thanks for all the great posts and perspective.

Peace. :-)

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I recall Joel Smalley pointing out UK government warnings that you just can’t use the numbers in their UKHSA death tables to get death rates of vaxed vs unvaxed. UK govt says it’s “too complicated” and you can’t do it yourself, trust what we tell you.

And here is a juicy one. The made their reporting more complicated by reporting two measures (from covid and with covid). The latter (with) is what they had been emphasizing, which was and is and forever will be useless information. Now they claim they knew all along they were diverging. But somehow only now (jan ‘23) it is appropriate to focus on “from” deaths.

“We have been monitoring how closely deaths with COVID-19 and deaths from COVID-19 measurements align since the start of the pandemic. Since early 2022, there has been an increasing difference in the two measures. With high levels of immunity in the population and COVID-19 continuing to circulate, it is not uncommon for people who die of other causes to have a COVID-19 infection recorded at or around the time of their death. These deaths would be reported in the “deaths within 28 days of a positive test” measure, but not counted in the death registrations because their death was not judged to be related to their COVID-19 infection. “Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate” is considered to be a more reliable indicator of deaths due to COVID-19 at this stage in the pandemic and will now be the primary COVID-19 death statistic on the COVID-19 dashboard.”


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