It's been like this since the end of WWII... actually since the Fed was created... actually, since about 20 years after we became the USA.

But let us remind ourselves... UN-alienable Rights means they can't be taken away. Whether they are HONORED or not is an entirely different matter.

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Agree with you re the destruction of America and the creation of the Corporation following Lincoln's unlawful war.

And I also agree that our un-uh-LEEN-able rights are just that -- those rights that come to us via our humanity. As you say, whether they are honored/respected as such is an entirely different matter -- and we have seen that they are not...

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Those are unalienable... unable to be ALIENATED from you.

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Correct, you certainly can’t make this up. Unfortunately, it does appear that actors at the highest levels of our government have been involved in completely unrestrained and totally unconstitutional activities, definitely including assassinations, murders, creating wars, both around the world, and at home, and have gotten away with it for the past at least 60 to 70 years if not longer.

To Merely refer to these people as traitors is so insufficient as it is so minuscule in terms of the monstrous crimes that they are committing that they have committed. The truth must come out to the extent it can be gotten to. We are dealing with the most monstrous criminals against humanity in the history of the human race. And I am definitely stating that these criminals and their crimes dwarf those of Hitler, Stalin, and even Mao.

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"We are dealing with the most monstrous criminals against humanity in the history of the human race."

Agree completely, Stan. And they're allegedly our "fellow Americans."

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You are right, they are “allegedly“ our fellow Americans, but in fact that they are not. They are the worst worst creatures humanity has ever produced. They are demon possessed. In fact, they are proof that there is a God because they’re clearly is a Satan. And if there is a Satan then this certainly is a God. That’s beyond debate.

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Dang!!! Cheney and Cheatle in the same picture … another deep rabbit hole.

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Just found out that pic was taken for Cheatle's role in helping "evacuate" Cheney on Sep 11.

Unfortunately, we would be unable to confirm or deny exactly when that evacuation took place and if, in fact, the young Ms. Cheatle was there really because, you know, the Secret Service loses those kinds of records, evidently. ;)


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great read. no more "patriot"- act!! no more military collusion, we're a civic society!! slightly OT but another great read on how the military took control of our health policies, with dire consequences - https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/10/investigative-reports/operation-warp-speed/

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The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act really has got to go! How cynical of those in Congress who would even vote on such a grotesquely misnamed piece of legislation!

Does DJT know the extent of the military operation carried out in the name of a respiratory infection?

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he could've and should've known: pls read some of what dr. Scott Atlas has written about those crazy weeks in/around the WH at the time of Operation Warpspeed. co-ordinated insiders, Jared Kushner, technical managers were all involved (with precious few health experts apart from the Birx-Fauci clan) - https://www.aier.org/article/review-scott-atlass-a-plague-upon-our-house/

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I have read some of what Dr. Atlas saw and went through...Terrible. DJT brings Atlas in and then ignores his advice/counsel?

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there's so much more about DJT that seems to, well..... be connected to the wrong side, including Vance and the terrifying connections to Palantir/Thiel. long read (July 18 2024) on Whitney Webb's Unlimited Hangout - https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/

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exactly. and last week's shooting was T's very public graduation.

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Substack does not allow me to like, but I like your post. Spot On!

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Thank you, Boatswain Mate. :)

What browser do you use? That may be the answer to your "liking" problem. I must use Firefox vs. Brave. I'm on Win 8.1 and Brave no like no more. :)

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It seems you've diagnosed the problem, I'm on the same Windows as you.

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The Birx-Fauci clan did not hold those positions because they were wonderful clinicians, they did not want to practice medicine, bureaucrats, skilled at politics. An expert is someone who articulates the needs of those in power.

Henry A. Kissinger

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long live the mavericks

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As soon as the towers fell, Andy was on the ship and told his buddy first thing...."We are going to lose a lot of freedom over this." And we have. He is like Spock. I feel better about his suppositions than most people's facts.

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We shouldn't have because the destruction of those towers had ZERO to do with our natural rights. That said, Andy's instincts were right.

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Here is an Axiom that few in the congress seem to follow: You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered.

Lyndon B. Johnson

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In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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every time someone mentions this quote I choke up. big TQ for posting!

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The is much to learn from Ike: Never let yourself be persuaded that any one Great Man, any one leader, is necessary to the salvation of America. When America consists of one leader and 158 million followers, it will no longer be America.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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....but rather the stuff fairytales are made of.

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ALL well said!

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I remember David Icke in the early 1990s talking about the world being run by an elite bunch of psychos at the tipperty-top of a big pyramidal structure of control - of course he was dismissed as a 'conspiracy-theorist crank' and yet much of the gist, and impressive detail, of what he was saying 30 years ago has come true already. The 'alien' bit just needs to be outed now, and given the satanic nature of some people at the top of various power-institutions (gov't, banking, 'science', medical-machinery, war-industry, paedophile rings, etc) it's not too much of a stretch nowadays to envisage that the 'alien' bit of the jigsaw will also be proven to be true - if it hasn't been so already because the actions of some at the top are certainly seriously alien in relation to what one might consider to be 'normal well-adjusted human conduct'.

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Outstanding! I love it when that finger comes out and it's not directed at me!

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One thing most important in this age of misinformation Americans should know is; who they are in any given situation;

1). a social security numbered name and account?

2). a man or woman created by God and given certain unalienable rights?

If you know who YOU are then what does this "government" have the authority to control and regulate and tax to death by any unconstitutional means it deems adequate? The entities it creates, of course. Not men and women.

Were YOU created by the corporate social security administration? Does Corp US (Wash. DC) have the authority to tell you what you can and can't do or otherwise limit your liberty in any way?

Not according to the Constitutions, State and Federal.

So, how does Corp US' legislature pass Acts like the totally unconstitutional Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act? It is because they can control the entities they create anyway they choose, constitutional or not. The social security card is not yours and doesn't identify you and the regulations that control it don't apply to you and me if you know who YOU are and where all authority in "government" comes from..

Problem is: everyone thinks the SSA number identifies them and that it, and everything acquired through it, is theirs. Therefore, by their own admission they believe they are subject to Corp US' hundreds of thousands of unconstitutional statutes which regulate and control their rights.

The author of this thread is one of those who believes they and you are subjects of Corp US, not a creation of God with unalienable rights protected in a written Constitution like every other American. YOU can't be both.

This lack of education is the SOLE reason for the dilemma the US of A is in.

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Whenever you see your name IN ALL CAPS, or the name of your country IN ALL CAPS, that denotes a CORPORATION. So you see YOUR NAME in all caps, that is treating you as a corporation, a SLAVE to the Corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It's all a rich man's trick!! (The US became incorporated right after the Civil War, and of course, nobody has ever really made that clear to us.)

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That's a lot of patriot mythology there.

The only name spelled like mine that is always in all caps is the social security numbered entity created by the social security administration, not mine. The government printing offices Style Manual indicates "that which is spelled in all caps is a title, not a name" It is the title of an agency business trust, not me. The SSA only creates trusts which create revenues for Corp US in its bankruptcy of March 9, 1933 to the private foreign corporation called the Federal Reserve Bank.

I agree that it is all corporate, not government, which means it has absolutely nothing to do with me when I realize who my creator is, what contracts I am bound by in law (none) and what my rights are according to law.

I like to follow the law on any given subject that confronts me, not third party rhetoric.

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You seem to be saying two different things, ZG. It is EXACTLY the Social Security Administration that I'm talking about. It's not "third party rhetoric." If you delve a little bit, you'll find I'm not talking out of my bootox.

Ever read about something called The Crown Corporation? If not, look into it, if you want to get it straight-- I'd go hunting for stuff for you, but I'm slammed (taking a break).

It is the LEGALITY ("Legal" doesn't have anything to do with the Constitution) of having names in ALL CAPS that I'm talking about... When a name is in ALL CAPS it is designating a CORPORATE ENTITY. So instead of seeing "Zane Grey" on your documents, you'll see "ZANE GREY." That we use our Soc Sec #'s as "idenification" means we are agreeing to that concept. Anyway, I just don't have time to get it all down right now, but... If I think of a good place to delve, I'll put it on STL's page.

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Yes, I am quite aware of the corporate entity. However, the SSA card has nothing to do with me, as it isn't mine nor does it identify me. That is painfully obvious after reading the SSA Act of 1935 and trust law, DC Codes Title 19, ch. 13. Also, any documents with the all caps aren't mine, they are the cardholders (the trust). I have an identification card that issues from a public record showing my personal, positive identification. The driver license and other corp state ID is ID for the SSA cardholder trust, not me.

The SSA # isn't yours. No SSA card has ever been issued to people, only to a trust created by the SSA. This is how it is presented in law.

I don't care about the Crown Corporation. It means nothing. Corporations have no authority outside of contracts and I don't have any contracts binding me to anything but God.

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Yes, I agree with you, especially that last part. Perhaps you don't know what the Crown Corporation IS, it DOES mean something, and while I don't LIKE them, they are very much involved in our subjugation, whether we recognize it or not. But I do share your contempt, if I'm reading you correctly. I'm not talking here about what SHOULD BE, but what we are LED TO BELIEVE, and via that, how we are manipulated...

You may not feel that SS number or whatever else is used, is actually VALID, and almost entirely without our KNOWLEDGE, much less our consent, but that applies in YOUR mind, not the govt's, because they don't give a rat's ass if it's right or wrong. I'm not trying to tell you YOU are wrong, I'm talking about LEGALITY (which has nothing whatsoever to do with Right, or Truth, or Justice, etc), and the tricks played on the People without our knowledge... "LAW" is another misnomer, as most of our laws are ILLEGAL... Anyway, gotta run for now, but I do like seeing someone with as much rebelliousness as I have... cheers.

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Unfortunately, Zane, I think you're right. My husband reminds me when I speak of natural rights that most people "have no idea what you're talking about, honey."

Sad, but true. Walking out of my yoga class today with a classmate and this topic came up. She said the same thing, admitting that she, too, was unsure of what all of her natural rights are.

And that, along with turning away from God explicitly, is the reason for the state of America...

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We HAVE Natural Rights, but the State doesn't RECOGNIZE them. Nowadays, they barely recognize the Constitution. They don't CARE about any of that, they are on a rampage. They think they can get away with ANYTHING now. "Covid" was a big part of that.

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Yes, of course. We have natural rights; my point is that most have no idea what that means.

What set the stage for "getting away with anything," IMO, was Sep 11. An utterly absurd official story that, if it were true, should have meant jail time, courts martial, firings, demotions, etc. Then, the complete destruction of the 4th and 5th Amendments (and more) by the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act to the willing populace. Last, the murder and destruction of millions outside the country in its name -- to applause and celebration by the "American" people.

What's that saying about what goes around?

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I’m with you, except for the “applause and celebration by the American People”— I don’t recall anyone applauding OR celebrating! Maybe I missed that show. I think most people simply aren’t educated, not really, even if they’ve been to university, because until recently, we thought we were getting at least SOME truth, in school, at least. I remember realizing how UN-educated I was back in my thirties, maybe? I’m in my sixties now. WOEFULLY uneducated until I took it upon myself. I went to paralegal school, but my real education is happening now, and it’s all about whether or not you can afford an attorney. Fuck “justice.” When the opposition’s attorney LIBELS you, you know you’re not in some fairy tale of American Jurisprudence… bleah. As for HISTORY, I don’t believe much of ANYTHING I was taught. I’ve had to start over.

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Perhaps a bit of hyperbole with the language I chose -- but not much, actually. Support ran stunningly high for the Afghan invasion: https://www.cfr.org/blog/us-war-afghanistan-twenty-years-public-opinion-then-and-now

Then...the invasion of Iraq. I remember being on our loveseat. The news came on that the crime syndicate was actually going to invade that country. I flew off that loveseat -- "No! No! No!" I yelled at the TV.

Millions of lives ruined and trillions spent -- on a lie.

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I think I'm appearing to be throwing cold water on your comments.... Let me say I agree with you! People are EASY to manipulate. I remember hearing the news that we'd invaded Iraq... I had the SAME response! But I was at work, I remember it like a photo... The other two women in the room and I all said the same thing: "Oh, NOOOOOOOOO!"

And now the Palestinians. God help everyone the US targets... But soon, WE will pay, AGAIN, for the horrors our govt. perpetrates...

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That said, I DO share your frustration! Big time.

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You have to remember, tho, that not everyone understands that propaganda is the New Black… I think that’s beginning to change now, but it’ll be a SLOW progression, until the Nasties do something SO FREAKIN OUTRAGEOUS that people can’t just blow it off… It’s astonishing, when we get on SS and we share all this knowledge and info and most of us are TUNED IN, and then to see the majority just plodding along, STILL. Unaware, innocent buggers that they are. But they are not to blame, they don’t KNOW ANY BETTER. It’s like blaming children for eating candy for lunch. They’re clueless and they want what feels good.

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