Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by SheThinksLiberty

“And now imagine how you feel about your country and the people in it.”

I’m right there with you. I certainly don’t feel the same about my country or the people in it, as I used to. Take the car analogy a step further and those same people are denying the faulty car they were forced to buy has any problems at all. The car malfunctions weren’t the fault of the faulty car, because cars malfunction all the time and you can’t prove the faulty car is actually a faulty car in the first place. 🙄

I just saw a “poll” saying 38% of voters think biden is doing a good job. How. Can. Anyone. Say. That? I’m baffled that there are that many people in this country who would believe that. I think “polls” are crap, but that there is anyone who could say that at all…my mind cannot comprehend that.

Ya, I feel differently about THOSE people in THIS country now. 😔

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I feel everything you are saying. Multiply those sentiments to the moon and back. Good to hear your voice SHETHINKSLIBERTY. 🙏🏻

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2Liked by SheThinksLiberty

You started and ended well. There is community, and God’s beautiful creation. Was about to include a pic but alas comment limitations.

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Apr 5Liked by SheThinksLiberty

Good article and great pictures. The world that we live in and the things that we have had to go though over the last years has numbed and depressed many of us. While we had the urge to battle and many of us did not comply with the government and societal demands, I feel like those that recognized the evil for what is was have grown weary and exhausted. I have found myself taking a mental time out and driving to myself to focus on the positives but it is imperative that we don't lose the will to continue battling so that our freedom is lost forever. They haven't stopped their planning and their efforts to install medical and governmental tyranny. They are counting on the weariness and depression that many of us are feeling. Keep looking for the positive but don't lose the focus on the battle. It is too important to relegate ourselves to the sidelines.

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Apr 3Liked by SheThinksLiberty

I agree a million percent. Who are all these people? And, when we go out to forage, it is so nuts. I look around and wonder where the middle went? I feel as if we are being boiled and WE know it. Ignorance looks like new tattoos, pink hair and 2 spare tires around the middle complete with piercings all over and the inability to decide if it is male or female. Every bit of info is more disheartening than the last. There have been no health issues with Hubs 100% 'vaccinated' crew and that alone is sus. What can we say that hasn't been said before? Nothing. I wrote this 2 years ago...along the same lines as the car. https://sadiejay.substack.com/p/shhhhits-fine

I appreciate you and your deep thought and fine words to describe what we are feeling. Ennui. Perfect. Atlas is shrugging.

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Apr 3Liked by SheThinksLiberty

You are most certainly not alone. Though it’s often difficult, I try to focus on gratitude for finding and connecting with many like-minded people - both online and IRL.

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I've gone a bit 'radio silent' myself as late.

Thank you, Sadie Jay, as usual, I relate and you express it so well. Best.

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So sorry I am just now responding. Loved the analogy with the car as it is spot on. What's seriously baffling is that many (too many) will not see the fault or purposeful neglect of the manufactures and leaders that pushed the badly engineered nightmare, or that we should be left to our own individual rights to purchase what is best for one another. Sadly, the “too many” will want to get mad and point the finger at those of us who don't want to buy it because it's our God-given right, and the fact that we don't want to make a choice that simply goes along with the norm! lol

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