I thought we might start out with a quick quiz. Do you know what a “vaccine” is — its legal definition? Consider these definitions followed by a quick poll:
A Vaccine is:
A) A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases;
B) Any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases;
C) A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease;
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
The PATHETIC 22nd Statewide Florida Grand Jury — An Unmitigated Disaster
Before getting to the answer on “vaccines”, I confess it’s kind of a trick question. I ask it for fun, but it stems from extreme frustration. That frustration stems from the recent final report by the 22nd Statewide Grand Jury petitioned by Governor DeSantis.
I have had multiple head explosions over the Grand Jury’s “work.” By the fourth paragraph of the 144 page (!!!) Final Report, I had to get up and walk away from the computer.
You know that feeling of dread when you encounter something the implications of which are truly dreadful? Like that time — you remember — when “the experts” said they needed just “15 days to flatten the curve?”
So patently absurd, so bulging with bullshit, so obviously criminal that it actually scares you? So stupid that you know it’s too stupid to just be stupid…“They” know it’s stupid, but “they” also know that the majority will buy it.
And the dread that comes over you when you know “they’re” gonna do it…“they’re” gonna commit the crime they’ve announced and the majority will go along…
That’s the feeling I got reading just the intro to this Jury’s Final Report. Dread. And rage. Specifically, it was the self-congratulatory 4th Paragraph of Page Four that launched me out of my chair.
After waxing poetic about their sacrifices, they advised in their new-found wisdom that as a body they “believe it is important for all of us to come to terms with what happened, and…hope that this Final Report can assist that process by shedding light on these important public health issues.”
Public health issues????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Come to “terms”???????????????????
After 18 months? They thought their job was to “shed light” on these important “public health issues?” And we need to just come to “terms” with what happened?
Right there, you know it’s over.
Right there, you know this Final Report will be a load of garbage. A steaming pile of waste. A compilation of the mundane, the hackneyed, the purposely irrelevant. In short, an unmitigated disaster. A complete embarrassment for Governor DeSantis, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, and others. While sealing the fate of so many harmed and injured.
Nothing to see here. No crimes. Nope. Florida statute was and is impotent. In the face of the greatest global crime against humanity in history.
To be handed this load? To be told, in essence, that the entire Florida code related to fraudulent practices, misleading advertising, (Title XLVI, Chapter 817) dissemination of false advertising for any drug, device, or cosmetic, or the distribution in commerce of any drug, device, or cosmetic, if its labeling or advertising is in violation of this (Chapter 499) remained un-violated?…Remember those blank inserts for the “vaccines??
Well, nothing happened to any indictable degree under Florida code. According to this Grand Jury. And you know why?
Because this Grand Jury took it upon themselves — evidently — to decide what their “work” would be focused on. Not criminal activity as the Petition asserts, but…
“Safe and Effective”
“Safe and effective” because none of us heard enough about that. Besides, there are nuances that we need clarified for us — and this was just the body to do it.
Never mind what the Governor’s Petition asked for — evidence of criminal wrongdoing under Florida code.
Nope. We, this august “body,” we’ll tell you, Guv, what we’ll focus on:1
“(1) Every statement involving the “risk” of a vaccine or the “rarity” of a vaccine’s side effects is essentially a statement about the vaccine’s “safety”; and (2) every statement about a vaccine’s ability to prevent COVID 19 disease is essentially a statement about its “effectiveness.” Because these two concepts, “safety” and “effectiveness,” form the axes around which the alleged misrepresentations orbit, we believe it appropriate that they form the primary focus of our inquiry.” (Bold added. This statement but one cause of STL’s multiple head explosions.)
Uh. No. The law. The law is your primary focus, you dumb asses.
And the Jury’s “legal advisers” let ‘em get away with it. Or..?
So “safe and effective” it was, and you know how they’re going to get to the bottom of “safe and effective?” Why, they’re going to…Wait.
Wait…Wait for it…
“Follow the Science”
That’s right. Not that you haven’t heard enough about that either. The Jury even lets us know that because we Americans just didn’t have time for “the” science.
We’re gonna wax poetic for pages on “safe and effective.” Show you all how smart we are. Not how “safe and effective” relates to its use in violation of Florida code. No. Just what it means — and uh, how “nuanced” it is. The distinction between “efficacy” and “effectiveness.” You know, like that.
And if you’re interested, you can also learn more about the human immune system in the august body’s Second Interim Report. I know so many of you yearn for more on this topic.
And among the many witnesses called by the Jury? Why, vested interests…and then when these vested interests ignore them, bury them in unreadable paper, and otherwise skirt the process, this Jury will be shocked, I tells ya. Shocked!
Did Governor DeSantis Ask the Wrong Question?
As I thought about the Final Report and what I knew would be a giant cluster, I wondered to myself, “What did DeSantis ask this Grand Jury to do? Did his Petition, put before this Grand Jury, ask the wrong question?”
Would Ashley Moody and other law enforcement in Florida embarrass themselves and their governor by asserting that crimes may have taken place with scanty, spurious evidence? Put the Governor’s name and their reputations on the line?
No. Of course not. Would a Supreme Court grant the Petition without sufficient evidence to assert that crimes have been committed. Maybe…but the Petition points right to applicable Florida statutes. This means the Governor, in consultation with his Attorney General, already think they’ve been violated!
So…I went back to the Petition (linked above). I re-read it. Then read it again. A wide open door did DeSantis leave for this Grand Jury. An open door and breadcrumbs to the pertinent criminal statutes in Florida Code. Here…look here, it says.
For example, Chapter 499. Chapter 817. Chapter 895, plus, the Petition says, any other criminal conduct that the statewide Grand Jury might uncover during its investigation.
Wide open, with breadcrumbs to specifics and support for unnamed, but other pertinent statutes the Grand Jury may find.
And what happened? To anyone paying attention over the past four years, criminality everywhere. But this Grand Jury?
They found none. No indictable fraud. No indictable false advertising. No criminal conspiracy. No racketeering. Nope.
You know why? They didn’t look for it. You know what they did? They decided — they decided — to make “safe and effective” the focus of their “work.”2
Did Governor DeSantis ask you for a scientific review of “safe and effective?” Or to review “risk?” Or the human immune system? Or immunity to “SARS CoV2?” Or symptoms? Modes of transmission? Or my favorite — “asymptomatic spread”???????????????????????
Honest to God!
So. While some of the stuff that went on sidled right up to the line of unethical, they tell us, nothing criminal took place. They did complain that failure to comply with Grand Jury subpoenas and perjury is currently un-indictable and thus, un-prosecutable. So, that needs fixing.
OK. Sure.
But after all is said and done, you know what this Grand Jury leaves us with in Florida? Beef up the codes you mentioned, Governor DeSantis, so that “next time,” a grand jury might be able to indict? Add a definition of the word “vaccine” to Florida code?
Florida should adopt more widespread testing of wastewater for “pathogens of interest.”
And with that, they declare, “Our work is done.”
And the loi-yuhs signed off and the good judge Christopher Sabella put his name to it.
What. A freakin’. Joke.
Willful Defiance of the DeSantis Petition
In willful defiance of DeSantis’s Petition and its instructions, this Grand Jury made “safe and effective” its focus.
In this context, they give themselves away. They actually provide the legal definition of the word, “safety.” From the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This tells us 1) they know there is a federal code and 2) they read a few lines of it. To wit:
“The word safety means the relative freedom from harmful effect to persons affected, directly or indirectly, by a product when prudently administered, taking into consideration the character of the product in relation to the condition of the recipient at the time.”
The Jury refers to this section of the CFR without providing the citation. So I will. You can find these exact words under Title XXI US Code3, Chapter I, Subchapter F, Part 600, § 600.3 Definitions (p)
So pages and pages of eye-wateringly dull irrelevancies on “safe and effective,” tossing in — just to show us they’re on the job — the federal definition of “safety.” All in the name of these things — these “vaccines.”
Yet nowhere…nowhere throughout this three-report verbal wasteland can you find a single definition of what the “safe and effective” thing is. What is a vaccine, exactly?
The Grand Jury never tell us — and there’s a reason. And it’s not because “everybody” knows what a “vaccine” is so it can go without saying. It’s because it’s undefined anywhere in the federal code or — as far as I can tell so far — in the Florida code.
Crazy, right. After all, since it’s a thing that some — many — think should be forced on people, you’d think you’d easily find its statutory meaning, right? Using legalities like the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act or the PREP Act, you’d think those forcing others to undergo this procedure would have the decency to define the thing — statutorily.
Except you’d be wrong.
And The Answer Is?
The only definition I have been able to find in law, anywhere so far, is under — wait for it — the Internal Revenue Service code. Title 26.
That’s right. The Code regulating the I.R.S.
For purposes of taxation, 26 U.S. Code defines what a “vaccine” is:
“Any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases”
So, if you picked “B,” you’d be right, but not for the reason you think. For purposes of appropriate taxation, our friends at the I.R.S. had to define the thing they were taxing.
Not because “science” has defined it, stating unequivocally how the thing performs to qualify as a “vaccine.” No. Not for the purpose of informing people and assuring them about the stuff being (force) injected into them (and/or their children) meets a statutory definition. No. But to place into code for purposes of correctly extracting tax from the thing’s manufacturers and distributors.
That is the only place I have been able to find anything that comes close to a definition of “vaccine.” Unlike the definition of “safety” under the Food and Drugs federal regulation.
Can’t. Make. It. Up.
BTW, the other two “definitions” come from the CDC. “A” is the CDC’s updated definition from Sep 1, 2021. Prior to that, “C” held sway, coming in May of 2018:
“A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”
I’ll go out on a limb and suggest that Definition C is the one that the ordinary person thinks of when thinking of “vaccines” or “vaccination.” Yes? A specific product to produce immunity to a specific disease. Immunity. Don’t get me started on whether that’s actually defined or not.
But in Sep 2021, for some reason, the CDC saw the need to update its definition of terms on the thing. Soooo interesting, yes? I mean, the timing of the update, you know?
By golly, in the “Operation COVID” era that CDC 2018 definition had to go. No COVID injectable garbage produced immunity. So, folks…nine months into this mass injection campaign, the “vaccine” becomes an immune system stimulating preparation.
Speaking of Preparations
I am fortunate to be married to someone who makes preparations all the time that stimulate our immune systems against disease. He cooks. He prepares all manner of deliciousness with garlic and tumeric, ginger and oregano, and other immune-stimulating goodness. He prepares food fresh with these ingredients known to stimulate/support the immune system against illness/disease. I take Vitamin C. That’s famous for its immune support.
Do these “preparations” count as “vaccines?” I eat these preparations. Since the CDC only says “preparation” without defining it or its administration then, technically, I could argue that my husband’s preparations qualify.
The CDC. What a bunch of disingenuous, dangerous criminal bozos.
Florida Code
Because of this Grand Jury’s failure, I thought I’d review Florida code to see whether it defines “vaccine.”
I can tell you that that word appears all over the pertinent statutes — without a single definition of what it actually is. Try as I might, I found nothing that even comes close to an actual definition.
So, I contacted the Florida Administrative Code & Register within the Department of State. A very cordial response from its director directed me to the Florida Department of Health. (Yeah, no.)
I emailed them fully expecting crickets, and by golly, crickets is what I got.
So, I emailed my new Florida State Senator, Don Gaetz. Turns out Senator Gaetz is on the Health Policy Committee. His lovely legislative aide (She really is.) got back to me. Funny…she said, “I can’t find a definition either…” How about you try reaching out to the staff director of the State Health Policy Committee. Because, well, after all…these are the folks who review legislation related to…health.
So I did.
I have yet to cue the crickets, but I might just have to, but this is one tiger’s tail I’ll be hanging to. Is the omission on purpose? If it is undefined and un-codified in law, how does one make laws enforcing the use of thing that has no definition in law?
Is that a dumb question?
If it’s just a “preparation” that stimulates the immune system and neither prevents infection nor transmission, is the thing a “vaccine? Or is it just one of a myriad of drugs/treatments available to treat or prevent disease from which people may choose?
I think it’s an important question. I think it’s a question that needs raising. It did get raised recently in an extremely important case in the 9th circuit. In short, in a 2-1 ruling, the 9th Circuit told the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to pound sand with its COVID “vaccination” requirement.
The Court stated that it has been shown that the needle neither prevents serious disease nor transmission. Then it’s not a “vaccine,” but a treatment, yes? And how do you force a medical treatment on someone who doesn’t want it?
The Court ruled that the defendants (LAUSD) misapplied the infamous Jacobson case. “Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”4
For those of us who know that “vaccines” have not been proven to do all the things their marketers (including “doctors”) insist they do, are they not and haven’t they always been a medical treatment among many?
The 9th Circuit just ruled that the Jacobson case, used so disingenuously over the years to justify forced injection, in no way justifies forced medical treatments.
Check your own State statutes and see if you can find a single definition of the “thing.” The “thing” that the Florida Grand Jury talked about ad nauseam, but never defined, and apparently, never even noticed despite 18 months of “work.”
https://www.flgov.com/eog/sites/default/files/press/22nd-Statewide-Grand-Jury-First-Interim-Report.pdf In this first report, the Grand Jury declares they will ignore the Governor’s breadcrumbs and focus on safe and effective. Oh, and on masks and lockdowns…The Governor didn’t ask the Grand Jury to do this. The Petition directed the Jury to what the Governor wanted it to investigate.
This Title regulates food and drugs in the U.S.
Great article with an excellent in-depth information and explanation of the antics surrounding and involving the grand jury in Florida.
I was of course, greatly disappointed in their results and conclusions, but I must admit I am not surprised, for the main reason you touched on in your post - the magnitude of the crime that was committed was so great, the powers and influence of the planners, perpetrators, and executioners, no pun intended there, simply too great. As far as the “elites“ are concerned this all must be swept under the rug, because if real information and anything along the lines of the truth would really come out, literally, heads would roll. As they should, if we lived in a just world. But of course we don’t so this is what we get.
The worst part of all of this is, this will set the stage for this happening again, only the laboratory generated virus will likely be more deadly as will the “experimental injections“ that will be rolled out to deal with the virus. The reason for this is pretty straightforward - they got away with it once, so they’re gonna do it again.
The vast majority of humanity is well and truly fu*ked. And just like this last time, the vast majority of humanity will meekly and obediently walk up to this, just like sheep to the slaughter.
You are looking up the meaning of the wrong word.
You should be looking up the word 'virus'.
In Latin the word 'virus' means 'poison'.
A double entendre for those in the know.